
Our Mission

We use the history and lessons of the Holocaust to build a just and caring community free of antisemitism and all forms of prejudice and bigotry.

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Your generous gift allows us to continue educating visitors on how we can create an inclusive community, free of hatred through the lessons and history of the Holocaust.

A Message from the Holocaust Center

October 7, 2023

The Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida condemns the vicious and indiscriminate attacks carried out by Hamas in Israel.  These attacks have resulted in the murder of hundreds of people, countless injuries, and the ruthless taking of hostages. We meet these actions with unequivocal condemnation. While we recognize the complexities of this region’s history, there is no justification for this brutal surprise attack, which undermines stability and peace everywhere.

As a museum dedicated to teaching the history of the Holocaust to build a just and caring community free of all forms of prejudice and bigotry, we stand in solidarity with the Israeli people in this terrifying moment. We align ourselves with the international community reaffirming Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks on its citizenry, and we reassert our commitment to promoting education as a means to combat hatred.

Furthermore, as a community organization, we recognize that this event affects many people in our area deeply, and we stand in support with all who also seek a swift, peaceful resolution to this conflict.

Contact Us

851 N. Maitland Avenue
Maitland, FL 32751