CitizenU Law Enforcement Training
The Program
In this six-hour law enforcement course, we explore the complex and often disturbing role of police during the Holocaust, revealing how ordinary individuals in positions of authority made choices that affected millions of lives. By examining the historical roots of antisemitism and its modern manifestations, officers will gain insights into the pressures, motivations, and structures that led to police complicity during the Holocaust. Together, we consider the ethical dilemmas police faced and the devastating effects on victims—reminders of how these decisions still resonate in society today. Ultimately, this training aims to deepen law enforcement's understanding of authority and accountability, moral courage, and the responsibilities of policing in upholding justice and human dignity in their own careers.
Learning Outcomes
We provide officers with a foundational grasp of the Holocaust, including how antisemitism fueled the persecution of Jewish communities. We will also examine the specific roles and actions of law enforcement during this period, highlighting both complicity and resistance. Finally we will learn about Reserve Police Battalions, composed of ordinary men, played a key role in mass killings during the Holocaust.
We encourage officers to reflect on the moral and professional dilemmas faced by law enforcement under the Nazi regime. We use these historical insights to spark dialogue on personal responsibility, moral courage, and the impact of prejudice—both then and now.
We will connect lessons from the Holocaust to current policing issues, such as recognizing cognitive biases, safeguarding human rights, nurturing community relations, and responsibly exercising authority. We will emphasize the ongoing relevance of combating antisemitism and other forms of hate in modern society.
We will present strategies and frameworks for ethical decision-making, inclusive policing, and community engagement that draw on historical lessons. Finally, we show officers how these approaches can help prevent abuses of power and ensure respect for all individuals, regardless of background or belief.
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Role of Police During the Holocaust
The police played a pivotal and multifaceted role during the Holocaust, ranging from enforcing discriminatory laws to directly participating in the persecution and murder of millions of people.
While some police resisted or acted to save lives, the majority either willingly participated or succumbed to the authoritarian structure, playing a critical role in facilitating the Holocaust's atrocities.
German police & auxiliaries in civilian clothes look on as Jewish women are forced to undress before their execution.
Copyright: Instytut Pamieci Narodowej / Yad Vashem Photo and Film Archives
German police search an elderly, religious Jew at gunpoint. Circa 1941. Poland.
Copyright: Instytut Pamieci Narodowej / Yad Vashem Photo and Film Archives
Actions of the Police During the Holocaust
Enforcing Nazi Policies
Police forces actively implemented anti-Jewish legislation, such as requiring Jews to wear identifying badges, confiscating property, and restricting movement and freedoms.
Suppressing Resistance
Police forces suppressed acts of resistance, both organized and individual, within Jewish communities and among other persecuted groups. They also conducted raids to capture individuals in hiding.
Participation in Deportations
Police units organized and facilitated the deportation of Jewish communities and other targeted groups to ghettos, concentration camps, and extermination camps.
Maintaining Ghetto Order
Police managed and controlled Jewish ghettos, enforcing harsh conditions, brutalizing residents, and quelling uprisings.
Mass Executions
Special police units, such as the German Order Police and Reserve Police Battalions, were directly involved in mass shootings and atrocities, often in collaboration with the Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads).
Enabling Genocide Through Compliance
Many police officers complied with orders under the guise of following authority, while others were motivated by antisemitism, career ambitions, or personal gain.
This history underscores the importance of ethical decision-making and accountability in law enforcement.
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